This text is primarily written by one person, with hope that others contribute corrections, notes, feedback, and citations, among other things.
The separation of entities is an illusion. There is only one thing, that thing is a wave, and that wave is called God. Because there is really only one thing, we should live our lives as though it were literally true (because, if you have faith, it is). This means that I am God. You are God. that speck of dirt over there? God. You cannot separate an object from the rest of reality, the entirety of reality literally defines it. So we should live as though you and I are the same, as though you and an animal are the same, as though you and the planet are the same, as though you are God, and should be treated the way God should be treated.
This text will have citations two levels deep. The first main text will be as close to simple english as possible, avoiding established names for the physical concepts involved (e.g. not a "particle" having "energy", but a "particular point-like object" having "an amount of essence borrowed from everything else"), the second will provide context and elaboration using full english, and the third will contain personal information and opinions (such as how one should live their life if all this were true)
depending on how far into the subject, you may or may not have heard about the concept of "wave-particle duality", which basically says that quantum mechanical waves have "particle-like" properties, and particles have "wave-like" properties. unless you study physics, this is where the story stops. but at a certain point, physicists tried getting rid of the particles all-together and the science became more accurate. reality is screaming in our face: "I am a wave". if you accept that quantum mechanics is correct, then you cannot help but apply it to the macroscopic world. but when you do this, you get strange statements about reality, namely, and most importantly to me, everything is the same. there is only one thing. you cannot separate a rock from the rest of the universe, the rest of the universe defines the rock. it's all one big wave, with the information defining the rock spread throughout the entire wave. this is God. you are God. I am God. that rock is God. because God is Everything and you cannot separate yourself or myself or that rock out of it. so how should we live our lives, if this is the truth? I think the most logical conclusion from the statement "I am everything" is "treat everything as myself". I think that is something that is plainly evident, if we truly accept God into our lives. how do I treat a rock as myself? well, I don't like to be kicked. or moved from where I'm currently located. how do I treat an animal as myself? I don't eat them, or confine them. how do I treat the planet? or my coworkers? it all follows smoothly if you accept that God is Everything
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###### outline - intro/meta - The Secular Spirit: An argument for a physical soul, the unity of all things, and the implications therefore - write. for however long. no matter what. just write. and then edit! edit some other time. you can extract out good chunks, or organize them! tag them by subject or what have you. - i want my book to have a form, a narrative, a story to tell. i can do this by first describing what it is i want to write, and then filling that out to write it. then edit. so what is my goal. see beyond yourself. so, three sections right? 1. what we are: start from the beginning and a single particle. grow from there. sprinkle in some space and time. end at self-aware complex life, still described only in the abstract, with perhaps a concrete example here or there. use this as a base for the argument made in 2. you and i are one in the same, then all of the earth, then the whole universe. name this thing god, and schrodiger said god ripples. back this up with science. 3. is implications. go read a book about hume. What does this say about religion? - long list of quotes at first, including 'how strange it is to be anything at all', einstein quote about illusion of time, etc. - for my mother, who loved me too much. for my father, who suffered for his sins - none of what follows is true, but, like a model, it might be useful - first level: simple english, minimal physics terms - try and make it so the main text only uses the simplified winky words - Make the secular spirit website look exactly like a book pretty sure I've had this idea before - put a disclaimer saying that you as far as you are concerned that everything that you have written here is not true until agreed upon by a rough majority of our collective consensus reality or at least among the relevant communities and then accept get her issues and pull requests for scientific or other errors - build footnote writer with html anchors and links - what we are - timeline - bb to flash - in the beginning there was energy. at least near the beginning. we know there was energy a few seconds after the beginning, solely existing as a thick soup of isolated points of potential separated by brief gaps filled with the ripples of their wake. we know there was energy a blink after the beginning, and are pretty sure of what that looked like as well. but the beginning itself we simply cannot say what was there. but most likely, it was energy. - so yeah, phase transition! first there is god/dark energy then there is god+grav, then there is god+grav+selec, because it is a further splitting. 1->split->2->split->3 ? - entroenergy 1 to entrograv 2 to entropic gravitational strong 3 - then there was the second force. no, first dark energy, then there was a difference. dark energy, gravity? gauge force, first force? second force? same time? - maybe it's a piece of paper, you drawing a line, splitting gravitation from... dark energy? and as you are drawing this line, there's a split! two lines, suddenly creating three spaces, three different things. dark energy, gravity and electro strong? (context: phase transitions) - wikipedia: In everyday terms, as the universe cools, it becomes possible for the quantum fields that create the forces and particles around us, to settle at lower energy levels and with higher levels of stability. In doing so, they completely shift how they interact. Forces and interactions arise due to these fields, so the universe can behave very differently above and below a phase transition. For example, in a later epoch, a side effect of one phase transition is that suddenly, many particles that had no mass at all acquire a mass (they begin to interact differently with the Higgs field), and a single force begins to manifest as two separate forces. Assuming that nature is described by a Grand Unified Theory, the grand unification epoch began with a phase transitions of this kind, when gravitation separated from the universal combined gauge force. This caused two forces to now exist: gravity, and an electrostrong interaction. There is no hard evidence yet, that such a combined force existed, but many physicists believe it did. The physics of this electrostrong interaction would be described by a so-called grand unified theory (GUT). The grand unification epoch ended with a second phase transition, as the electrostrong interaction in turn separated, and began to manifest as two separate interactions, called the strong and electroweak interactions. - In the beginning there was energy. Before there were many things, there was just one thing. physicists call this one thing energy, and theologians call it god. this one thing became two, then many, then billions, then googols, then uncountably more, possibly even an infinite number. these different things, just about everything, form patterns, there are small patterns, big ones, beautiful patterns and terrible ones. but each is incredible in its own way. Ultimately, if you look close enough, each of us, these messy blobs emerging from the earth, dancing among themselves then spreading again out among everything else, are location-specific waves “wavelets” following relatively simple patterns, simple enough to put into short-ish math equations. Ultimately, you me, us, the earth, is made out of the whole thing. - there was a bang, a firework, a bright flash of light. everything since then has been the embers cooling off in the sky. a speck of ash, floating near one of these embers, grows warm, allowing its constituent parts to begin molding and flowing and combining into different things. soon, on the surface of this oozing ash circling an ember floating in the night sky, there appears to be some sort of flowing taking on a life of its own. - n the beginning there simply was, a presence, an energy above and beyond light and matter. A simple oneness, devoid of feature beyond its potential. - “Times before before the end of inflation do not follow the same timeline” - After the single presence there first came difference a something different from that, here to there, this and that, not simply one thing, but two things -Symmetry breaking - - Gauge force - The other, the something other than oneness became gravity soon after, came the strong--at this point the one is a felt force in space, a second feeling of pull or push, and a third: gravity, strong, ‘electroweak’ - Then electromagneticsm separates from weak, and there become the four fundamental fources of nature - At this point, the universe began to be inflating to a much larger size, a number with 78 zeroes behind it. Or around 78 depending on your unit of length - It’s not so much that space became bigger, but the speed of light (the speed of causality), the arrow of time, a degree of freedom released at each event spacetime point that is and ever will be - And the velocity is what was expanded (or shrunk?) at one moment, each point in spacetime felt an incredible pressure, a repultion to everthing around it. - After space had grown, the energy in it at every point becomes very thinly spread out, allowing another force to push out of the potenial an event with a vibration across all forces, but mostly in one like a spherical pluck of a string, sent off some direction. There were vibrations that matched (quark anti quark) in some property, and different in one, like looking in an upsidedown mirror, as well as gluons, which travel at the speed of light? While the quarks should have mass. Yes, but quarks at are at an energy level where mass is not able to yet grab glob onto it - The universe is a fractal, where our forces branched off, extending like tendrils into what may as well be complex-valued real-valued dimensions beyond idea. Math has to come from somewhere. - The nature of things - Emergence is not just a simplification of a system it is a simplification that emerges when you expand into a higher into a larger scale of space for example modeling an atom as a point particle see if that's the case - The rules for the number of electrons in different orbital shells is just spherical harmonics the way that two atoms fit together is when spherical harmonics can overlap - flash to now - right now there is energy as well. everything we see and feel is energy. but it looks like many different things. - the only way we know what happened before we existed, is because we know what is happening now, and are able to compare that to what is happening now, i.e. a short time after. we can say that before earth existed, everything was closer together. a time traveling astronaut would see all the stars and galaxies we see today, but they'd be closer. and as a consequence, things would be brighter and hotter. it was also a lot dustier. and billions of years before that - particles -> atoms -> compounds -> amino acids -> proteins -> structures (viruses, single celled organisms talk about the green orb!?) -> cells (tiny blob with organs, don't use the name cell, use the water blob analogy, dedicated funtional parts (organelles), stem cells for all creatures? moss? cells morphing into different shapes to serve different functions? -> fish (short sight, maybe talk about eyes?) -> lizard (land motors?) -> mammals (lenghtening of time to think, putting evolutionary pressure on accumulating thoughts that can lengthen survival rate) -> humans (start reading selfish gene) - the rapid expansion of space is just the exponential increase in entropy. what would the slow down correspond to? the appearance of a horizon? does it speed up, then slow down, then speed up again, because the expansion is always there, the dark energy, but red shift is an illusion, in terms of timescale? huge growth, then horizon, then a just further, ever increasing growth in entropy, which will look like redshift just because it's always increasing, even where our region blew out, bounded by the earth's or human's location in space. system next door? regions of your spacetime will never reach earth (some will) - in the beginning there was energy. no particular kind, no particular place, but close to the beginning in time. a spread out substance, spanning as far as you can see in all directions. but nothing you can see, for light does not exist. nothing you can feel, because a force does not exist. and nothing you can hear, because spots of stuff through which waves of stuff push their motion, do not yet exist. they are all one in the same, an energy, a potential for ever more complex things to happen, smoothly spread as far as the eye could see. - were you able to feel the temperature outside your suit, you would notice that it is cooling down. would also notice, were you able to, that everything was getting farther away from you. indeed, no matter where you moved to through spacet or stime, it seemed like everything was was getting farther away from that spot. or event. that observation. - The story from the atom, while more complex in its details, can still be summed up rather simply . the atoms, because they were not evenly spread out, began to attract one another, merging their bumps, their pockets, their indentations together until the forces inside the atoms push one another away . The atoms continue to glob together, pushing on one another more and more, the center of the matter-glob becoming more and more compressed . if one were to continually bend a metal rod, the joint would become warm . this is because the matter being manipulated is being fed excess energy, and this energy comes out of the matter as heat . the center of the matter glob became so hot from the compression that the center of the atoms were able to get close enough to fuse to one another . this tiny globbing together (matter likes to glob) releases a pent up energy shared between the two tiny globs, like seeing loved ones again after some length of time . this initiates an explosion, but because there is just so much stuff, the explosion seems to never stop! there is so much stuff, that the explosion cannot go anywhere, so it sits there fusing energy points together . this creates bigger, different kinds of composite points, which are able to combine together in new, interesting ways . although the explosion is large, it has an approximate boundary, where the walls of fire meet empty space . Those atoms which were near the surface of the fireball during the first moments of the explosion were jettisoned outward in all directions, filling space with a very fine dust of complex matter . this dust, just like the atoms, composite points, attracted one another, eventually forming macroscopic globs of matter . some of these clumps contain the tiny globs called water, comprising of two smaller A points and one larger B point water is the third most abundant molecule in the universe 1. H2 2. H3+ 3. H20 a big blob of matter with enough water, and with enough light from a nearby explosion, and the heat from all the atoms smushed together in the center, that blob (what now resembles rocks) will begin to grow a mold . the porous constituents of these matter globs become ever more elaborate under the pressures of competition and energy to spend . the mold soon spreads out from the water to cover nearly all the exposed rocks as well . wild and exotic blips of sustained chemical reactions being held together by ever larger, more more complex braids of energy points pulling one another along through spacetime. rising from the ground, taking flight for a moment or two, then again returning and spreading out to where it first came from . - now back to bb - meet in middle? - scales - the more space a system has, the longer it takes for that system to change . be it a molecule or cell or planet around the sun . as the objects grow bigger, the longer it takes for things to happen . an interaction between two atoms takes place in a very small space , and so takes very little time for the system to evolve . whereas a a blob of matter called an " adenosine triphosphate " takes longer to get from one place to another inside a cell, and bumps into other blobs along the way . it takes time for two organelles to communicate with one another, as opposed to two atoms . - also because there's more space look into the wavelength of a chair for a cow and figure out what mass it passes the plunk length The time it takes for a social system takes longer both because it takes place over a longer period of space time or I guess FaceTime proper time is always the same but I don't know I guess I'll collective shared time data day life really only usually matters from milliseconds to seconds but all these shapes are more or less arbitrary but happened to work together different molecules combined to make new molecules but they fit together in certain orientations and making different shapes these patterns grow the shapes and objects involve more complicated but the shapes are still more or less arbitrary we give them names like organelles or humans but the shape is just a shape that works and the farther down you look the fewer and fewer shapes you find or simpler shapes if the shapes get simpler because space is much smaller and so the ways they fit together the number of ways becomes smaller like the limitations of the atoms where the shape is very restricted to particle interactions which are moralist just well I guess couplings between different energy fields different ways that energy can be shaped into - the planck mass is a known value, somewhere around a bacterium? a third of an eyelash . likewise, systems that are larger than ourselves take longer for things to happen . for example , a social system like a small town where everyone knows everyone else, and gossip runs amok. like ATP being sent from one organelle to another, it takes time for gossip to move from person to person . first it takes time to convey the spoken message, then it takes time to find someone else and speak the gossip to them . we find our self somewhere between the ATP and the gossip, moving not quite so fast nor quite so slow . our day-to-day life really only operates at the lower bound milliseconds and at the upper seconds(?) the longest amount of time that the brain conceptualizes the present moment before it becomes working memory is that near a second? - as the scale of interactions grew, giving rise to larger and larger blobs of matter, they developed certain shapes with certain electrochemical properties . these shapes are more or less arbitrary, but what matters is that two shapes can interact in some way . this potato shaped blob of proteins can fit together with another banana blob very well, and in fact can form a repeating pattern . these arbitrary blobs glob together and eventually form, again, a singular object, to which we give the name "organelle" or "human" . likewise, starting at our scale and looking farther down, farther into a space, the fewer and fewer variety of shapes you will encounter . insert anecdote about plants on the other side of the earth . at our our scale, the variety of shapes is immense (a chair, a car, a different kind of chair, and so on), but the scale limits the number of things, shapes, that can be formed . after all, you cannot fit an object larger than a space into that space . there is a box where only microbes can fit inside it . - there are two kinds of points of energy, those points that can sit on top one another, and those that cannot.[bosons/fermions] when two points come close together, but are unable to overlap, they repel one another(?quarks are bosons, what happens when two... two particles enter a space and one particle leaves . the combined ripples of their energized constituents bubble through to a different kind of quantum field / particle . ?different kinds of fields depending on probabilities? many worlds holds that all combinations of all quantum fields (energy waves) are emitted ) oh, but yes, when two energy points combine and maintain a relatively steady spacial extent... then they have a spacial extent! there is now a shape where previously there was only two point . two quarks, or an electron and a quark blob(nucleus) in a world where there is only one energy point, it doesn't matter which direction you travel . if you are that point, and you decide to go in some direction, it will be exactly the same as picking any other direction simply because there is nothing special about any particular point in that space, except the one where you are . when two energy points stuck together in an otherwise empty void, suddenly there becomes a special direction, a point on the inside shell of an invisible sphere. go head to that point and there is another particle . of course these are really just waves, where every combination of every location ripples outwards along the brane in beautiful recursive patterns, an infinite-dimensional ink dropped into water, watching the ripples spread itself below its wake yadda yadda evolutionary pressures (or just the initial concentration of energy) cause bigger and bigger blobs to grow, being molded over time with the others, until maybe one day two fit together really well, and just tend to stick! suddenly there are many of these bigger blobs of matter (energy point balls) and they, perhaps, just so happen to fit together and form some much larger structure . this process repeats from amino acids to so on and so forth - each of these building blocks combines with others to create ever more complex structures, which, because by definition are larger, and it takes longer for lower blocks to navigate or interact with one another (check this idea) the strucures get more complicated, but the rate at which things happen (mixing chemicals -> separating dna -> making a baby or doing the dishes) takes longer and longer - (DUPE AT HUMANITY TO EARTH) the pattern of rhodes with different turns and branches and lights and traffic flows are repeated patterns and those patterns might not be exact they might be statistical patterns in nature but lots of patterns are statistical for incense in a cell the different proteins giggling around in water are much like a snow globe being shaken filled with a wide variety of proteins and other molecules and the system operates probabilistically or statistically in how not in how 1 ATP molecule loaded spring it's not about that HP molecule tripper scene from one organelle to another but rather getting enough of those molecules from one organelle to another just like the flow of cars on roads stretching and creeping and growing at a fractal pattern - you are a fractal . it doesn't feel like it, but over time and across humanity, you are a point in a ever-blossoming forth of endless blossoming of a single pattern . remember that our sense of time is not priviledged . a tree lives much longer than a human, and of course there are differences in experience, but we are not special . rather, we are just as special as that tree . the shortest possible time is minutely small, and the duration of The Universe is monsterously large . probably need to elaborate and or clean up this idea . but over long enough timescales, and over all of Terra, you are a tiny meandering blip of energy, unique among all but so similar all the same . time sped up would show blips sticking to and bouncing off the other blips in its vicinity . two blips that look like you embrace, and a third blip pops out that looks even more like the blips that made the blips that made you . this unique self-similarity permeates out to extended family, people in the community that look like you, strangers who look different, yet are still so much the same . variations on a patter, meditations on a piano piece where each key makes a different sound, and played together makes the most beautiful music that has ever existed . [meta]should scales be merged into what we are? or scales sorted through for relevant material? where do we put fractals?[/] - it's all just patterns , whether it's the scale-like patterns composing a strand of hair, or bricks laid staggard in a wall , or the patterns that just so happen to be bigger than us , such as the number of people currently folding their arms in the shower , or carrying out some similar motion at approximately the same moment of time. how many people carry out this action in some region? hundreds of times ? thousands ? as the earth spins around its axis, a wave of people folding their arms in the shower is carried forward as people are awoken by the light and warmth of our star . the movement and motions of a particular make and model of car ( or even color ! ) also follows similar patterns, distributed across the surface of The Earth . Twirling in tiny eddies coming together with others into major arteries, only to pull away again driving back into the nooks and crannies of our pavement maze . - All of these patterns are just locations or scales in a fractal just like a fractal you can pick and choose different locations blown up to different scales and you will observe different patterns but when you pull away you see that the patterns are continuously tumbling into larger ones or disintegrating into smaller - That is how you lead into fractals from patterns or combine patterns fractals and scales patterns scales and fractals - russian doll patterns - very very early on, reality split into different forms of energy, and everything after has been the result of those energies forming spacial configurations of increasing size and complexity, taking longer for more complex patterns to play out - An orbiting electron, a captured electric field energy, has a charge when it is captured. The reason electrons can pair up down is because the second one cancels out the first, it interacts, rotating, orbiting, vibrating in the same way except to cancel, but I guess the mass creates the necessity of further orbital levels? - Atom ->Star ->More atoms -> Molecules/compounds -> Planets -> Life -> Replicators -> Genes -> Survival shells (bodies) -> (social) Conscousness - compare and island City State to a cell where organelles represent perhaps different important buildings or locations on the island - photosynthesis can be thought of the process of converting photons into little compressed chemical springs each holding a potential force waiting to be unlocked - these tiny springs with small amounts of energy combined to form maybe some sort of scalene factor as energy is combined at sea so the more ATP you put into something the more energy it has and the more super structure is able to form - patterns built out of patterns over and over again patterns build up patterns bit out of okay patterns built out of patterns built out of patterns building over and over again or whatever - the larger a pattern, the longer it takes for the pattern to repeat or self-reference. this is because it takes a certain amount of time for energy (or information) to travel from one location to another. take for example the blob of matter that unzips DNA[1]technically called a "protein complex" looks like a donut , and spins around the strand of DNA at about the speed of a turbine engine. nearly all things taking place at the scale of DNA unzippers occur at a much greater pace than our day-to-day (1)experience of the passage of time. (2)lives. (develop syntax for, experiment with syntax for writer) this is the same case for scales greater than our selves. They occur much slower. our microscopic turbine spins faster than a ballerina spins faster than The Earth around The Sun(? is the sun also ourselves? no, the earth is much closer to who we are, but the stuff of not just life, but the fine molecular blobs(?) out of which the entire planet is built. but that is at a different scale) it takes dozens of hours for the moon to spin around The Earth. Terra. Tero. One way to explain this is to say things are simply farther away from each other. tiny things can move very quick, both because of their mass, but also the scale at which they operate. things simply happen faster. one elbow of a spinning ballerina is much closer to the other elbow than where Terra will be in 6 months. (good kid name) look into distances over which things occur. see if they scale exponentially - oh, but yes, somewhere between the spin of a ballerina and the spin of The Earth, there is the spin of The Earth around Its axis, and the patterns that we make at this scale . we simply look like different things at different scales . take the space of a 1 millimeter cube, and take an average of what is at that scale of an entire human being, you will probably get some cube of tissue . it might be muscle or bone or blood vessels, but regardless it looks more or less like a repeating pattern of some kind of matter . at this scale we call it "tissue", but if you were to scale that 1mm cube up to a meter, you would see a 1mm pattern with the name "cells" (look into that scale) . repeat again and you see the same thing . matter organized into a pattern . this time with the name "protein" a series of sounds we make with the cavity named "mouth" ( blobs of matter shooting noises at each other ) scale again and it is atoms ( again, nail down these numbers ) organized into a pattern . at the atomic scale, the pattern is made of angles and distances between energy points, and how many little points can fit around the bigger points(little points have the assigned sound of "electron", and big points "nucleus") scale down even farther, and the patterns turn into those of waves . literal waves of energy . - physics - there is a long pattern in science, of finding out there is a lot more stuff than we thought. land then planets then stars, one galaxy, many galaxies. go into the cosmic landscape. now go meditate. - is it accurate to say instead of many worlds, it's just one world (1, 100%) and we spread out in different ways - the math ends up correct. this is survival bias, it is incorrect much more, but when it's correct it describes the world in ways that are initially strange, and then end up being correct. the equation describing how an electron behaves when it is alone (and not rippling around a nucleus) called the dirac equation, had two solutions, one for particles with -1 charge, and others for +1 charge--they were both solutions to the equation, numbers that fit the pattern, but we had only ever seen electrons, not positively charged "positrons". now we use positrons in PET scan machines. it predicted anti-matter and then we found it. the same story goes for black holes. the speed of light. spacetime. there is a conjecture in modern physics called ER = EPR, meaning these two papers about qm and gravity are deeply related. basically that spacetime is stiched together via microscopic wormholes. right now we know that we are a wave, describe classical state vs like drops of rain on the surface of a pond ripples and waves on something. not the water, the height of a wave is the field. - there is one event in the wave in which I am typing a bit more slowly, or make a typo. there are events where i am getting up, or looking at my phone. if you superimpose all these actions onto one another, and all the wide variations you can literally think of, will be placed on top of one another, myself occupying a single entity, and yet trillions of versions of me, it will look like i am spreading out, almost like a drop of water spreading out after hitting the surface of water. but it's not just you spreading out, it's everyone else, the planet and the stars, all the way back to the ends of the universe, where those located events are from a long time ago. we can say this confidently, because we have discovered quantum mechanics. what is so amazing about physics, is that things that happen in our world, the reality we experience (or rather the shared experience we all agree upon) have relatively simple math equations to explain them, and over and over again, equations are found that can be transformed into two other equations, combining phenomena, things that happen, events, and remain a relatively simple equation! what isaac newton is big because he unified the equations of our world, and the whole world, the moon, planets and stars, he united us with what is huge. quantum mechanics, the work of many physicist, has united us with what is fundamental--the smallest, simplest building blocks that make up the entire world. most of classical mechanics (excluding general relativity) can be derived from equations of quantum mechanics. and quantum mechanics tells us that, while what we see are itty bitty specs/particles, what there really is, is a wave, where we are at a particular spot on that wave. we can know things about this wave, but we are limited in our knowledge. we can know how fast the wave if moving, rippling outwards, but not where we are on that wave. we can know how much energy this wave is carrying (drip or tsunami?), or we can know when exactly something happens, but not both. (check this). what we see is where we are in the wave, but what we see is not all that is there. what is there is a wave. talk about how replacing particles themselves with waves unites even more phenomena, separately having their own equations. then how gr doesn't fit in because, while quantum fields take place on the backdrop of relative spacetime, where everything is nice and straight, gr tells us that spacetime bends, stretches, smooshes, and this is currently where We are searching for an equation that can be turned into both those of qft and gr. - we haven't seen the graviton because it might just be too heavy. heavy meaning the amount of "stuff" it has, not its density or gravitational force, though the graviton does feel a force to other 'massive' (mass-having) objects, like planets or particles or people, and the graviton does have a density. an electron has an amount of mass, and so does a graviton. but the graviton weighs much than the electron, and, because we have discovered that energy in its most general sense, and mass or "stuff" are the same thing. so to make a graviton, we have to put in a lot of energy. so we take a large amount of other massive particles, and throw them together as fast as we can. scratch graviton, start with massive particle, then use e=mcc to e/cc=m to explain photon and graviton (energy not mass?) check all this. - it's all just a projection. what you are experiencing right now is the synthesis of two projections of light, hitting the 2d surface of the lens of your eye, focused onto a 2d array of photosensors. light blippers. blinking little eyes only seeing a certain wavelength or intensity. always a projection. we can only look at things in a smaller and smaller spherical shell surrounding a volume. the smaller you look, the less particles you look at, until eventually seeing only a few blips of energy enter or exit the sphere. we don't know what happens inside the sphere on which the blips were detected. (physicists pretend that everything happens and choose the most probable one) push enough particles into a space, and sometimes you can get one big heavy one out. the more we push in, the more particles we find. instead of particles on the surface of a sphere, they are ripples of energy, and our world can see where we are in the ripple, and it will look like a point. we are 4d beings. the flow of reality and where we are in it are different for you and me, but our spacetime is the same, everywhere. spacetime, ourself, itself is stretched by mass like stars and planets and you and me and a grain of sand and dust. like heavy balls on a rubber sheet, when close enough rolling into one another, or more likely, rolling around it in one big loop. we are twirling around the sun. but the sun is twirling around our galaxy. which itself is being whisked about by ever greater twirls! eventually, if you look far back enough to when we were but just an endless sea of itty bitty specks, forged in the fires of the beginning. their position, while random, begins to pull the closer specks to one another, and farther specks less so. these condensing pools, exactly because it's usually a loop rather than a collision, these condensing pools of bits begin to twirl. at some point, there began a twirl. zoom all the way back in to where you are sitting now, and it seems like a dizzying sequence of spinning into oblivion. go into the full sequence of spinnings, stars into clusters into galaxies into clusters etc. - we emphasize to yourself that you're splitting through space-time as the little tiny molecules in your brain create different paths or different worlds that is a as far as we can tell a literal real thing and me and besides that to yourself. use that as a motivation to control that path - as Sean Carroll says it we are not so much splitting or our universe our experience is just getting thinner the whole universe but your branch is getting thinner this thinning branch is the braid through space time would virtual particles then possibly be real particles in other branches of the universe - one may think that qm, gr, none of this affects me, but they do! you are likely reading this on a giant array of very tiny spotlights, each showing different colors to assemble the words that you see. gps, unaccounting gr, would grow inaccurate at a rate of X meters/hr/min. these are newer technologies, but the same could be said of future tech. cern second order effects, besides finding the higgs. all the other discoveries and cutting edge tech left in its wake. webb tele! - momentum and position are mutually uncertain for proportionally uncertain is because something with greater velocity is able to travel farther if you survey a tiny spot and spot the particle the less you know how fast it's going or where it's going where is if you survey the whole area and not know where the parking is at all maybe particle is at all maybe it's like spherical wave fronts originating from the point where you might have seen it first you'll know how fast away front is going the probability wavefront they have no idea where it is you could also construct a measurement area somewhere in between I know approximately where it is and likewise you will have more information about where it is going from our perspective padron's climbing into one another looks less like globs of particles but pancakes because they are traveling so close to the speed of light their link contracts in the direction of motion flattening them out and their experience of time is incredibly slow if they had wrist watches likewise in a two dimensional world with light cones ever expanding light cones which from there are perspective look like circles growing in area I guess and if one little blob and the center for seeing another little blob accelerating close to that boundary of that cone it would look and flattened a slim ellipsoid flattened in the direction of its motion and if it were a rocket ship and you could see a clock on board it would be moving very slowly but from out perspective this rocket ship would traveling near the speed of light and might be hard to track with a pair of binoculars going up to mentions from a one dimensional world with 45 angle lines indicating the speed of light with yourself traveling straight words through time at the very center add a dimension to yourself You're now not a link you do not have a link you're not an object with a link rather an object with an area and the light speed boundary has turned into a cone p foundry has gone up a dimension so in freedom space space time instead of two dimensional space time that would look like a spherical boundary The more you speed up the world around you moves slower and slower in time and becomes ever more ever closer to you from either direction as the world is flattened around you in the direction of travel time become slower until when you reach the sweet of light the upper limit time stops completely would that be the five dimensional steer on which we are embedded timelessly the ADSCFT correspondence - - the human experience - what is reality ? it is you and I, the colors that emerge from the other side of a prism when white light is incident upon it . it feels like the fur of an animal, or the unique sensation of sunshine on wind-chilled skin . reality is taste, smell, touch, sight, and sound, among a handful of other more subtle sensations(internal bodily, those two other ones) . but before synthesized into a singular, cohesive whole named consciousness, all of these sensations begin as energy, either with globs of matter which take up space, or the sea of energy points which merge, stack, sum, add together . - what you experience as "real" is always 10-100 ms in the past, depending on the senses used to build that experience. your subjective experience of objective reality is always 10-100 ms in the past , depending upon what experience becomes your subjective reality . a video playing at 100 fps would flash one time over the duration of 10 ms, and flash 10 times over 100 ms. a 28 fps film would flash less than 3 times over 100 ms. so if you were bitten by a mosquito, or absorbing photons from mars, it will be a bit before you noticed. - soundwaves are just billiard balls quiet noises are vibrations loud noises are billiard balls constantly hitting your eardrum pressing it in loud enough and given periods of time instances of time where there is a wavefront of particles away front of kinetic energy than your eardrum could be damaged use that as an example of one of the census or explain all the senses where seeing is the only one that uses electromagnetic magnetic radiation as far as I know taste and smell are little itty bitty molecules touch of touches electric energy and electric field site electromagnetic field ripples electromagnetic ripples and the rest are complex interactions of molecules or simple st taste smell and hearing - A cavewoman transported to present-day Manhattan would not be able to comprehend what is around them, other than big, small, fast, complex objects, and other humans. When transported back, this may be all they would be able to describe. But if she and her prehistoric tribe had the language if she were able to somehow bring them with her, and if equiped with the necessary technologies of language and perhaps mathematics, they would be able to learn about everything as well as we can - Perhaps the tribe all decide they want to learn what a car is. They will, in effect be chizzelling away at an idea, in this case a prototype representation of a car in their heads. Words are created when they are needed, and eventually, after a sufficient amount of concepts have been chipped away, large form and small details, you are are left with an image of a car in your head that more or less represents what is really there, except in an abstract form stored in the individual and collective minds - The experience of reality that other people have is just as real, just as deep and complex and salient as mine. But how the view another person is such a small window into their experience . The inner and outer worlds are quite different, with one composed of thoughts and feelings and sensations, and the other traits we hardly notice like gesturing, speaking itonation, mannerisms, emoting ones face . but the longer you spend with someone, the greater that window grows, and the closer to someone's real experience you can get . of course they will always be different, but the outer expressions can be accurately interpreted as to how they reflect the inner experience . - what We are - human to humanity - objects and signals - vocal sounds to meaning - analigy to fermions+bosons, organelles to proteins, etc. - one of these patterns is particularly important to humans, and we call that pattern ‘love’. it’s a messy pattern, for sure. the pattern of love is an intricate dance between billions of objects taking place over millions of years. These objects, projecting and bouncing off of one another in a myriad of brief intricate interactions, are only present again in a short moment in time, emerging from nothing and eventually disappearing again, spreading out among the others until all these things scattering about all look like just one big messy ball of frothing matter moving through spacetime, each instance an intricate braid of that one energy, god rippling about, forming ever smaller dances among itself. We are the objects, the one mass is earth, and the brief interactions, fancy vibrations bouncing against one another, is love. One of the patterns seen among all of these sacks of dirty water is holding hands. It is an expression of love among one or more people, and everyone does it because it is (more or less) universally agreed upon that it “feels good”. There are a lot, not nearly as many, but a lot of people who do not think holding hands feels good, and indeed there are much more between the two, if you look close enough an entire spectrum of people who would say that they believe holding hands with someone you want to hold hands with, and who also wants to hold hands with you, feels good. Spanning from the first to the last person, the just born, who while are not yet able to articulate it, clearly show content being held in their mother’s arms, to the hundred or so people who are dying this very minute, either holding the hand of loved ones, or wishes they were doing so. - collective mind body and soul -The mind is not one mind, thank god, because diversity of thought is our greatest strength . -We are not one body, thank god, because redundancy greatly benefits our physical surivival , - and we are not one soul, because I’m likely to not have any social interaction with someone on the other side of the planet. - But we’re not exactly different souls, I don’t think. Because the tendrils of causality expanding out of me, or the atoms that represent me at this event, may very well effect someone on the other side of the planet. I could join a growing company that eventually impoverishes a village. Compounding social interaction, even miniscule or minor, can ripple through the connections we all have to one another. - although We are one thing , we are not one mind, thankfully , because diversity of thought is among our greatest strengths . and we are not one body , thankfully , because genetic redundancy greatly benefits our physical survival as a species . and we are not one soul, for one can fit only so many family, friends, and acquaintances into a single social life . - but we are not separate , either . When a couple grows old together , they can in many was represent one person -- completing each others sentences , knowing what the other is thinking , and so on . this is a highly cohesive soul . the thoughts and actions of one another have shaped who they are as people , a feedback loop of ideas and beliefs, habits and gestures, over the course of decades . yes, they each have individual minds , but how much has the other molded what they are today ? in this sense, it is not just two discrete minds, but two continuously overlapping minds woven together as a braid through spacetime . - [insert paragraph on why bodies are not separate] - Again, our souls are can be viewed as a singular entity (in 4D because it takes time for my actions to reach the other side of the world) the tendrils of causality reach out through exponentially growing degrees of freedom . - our minds bodies and souls look separate when one dimension is taken away : from our perspective, the time dimension . but this is a consequence of our form of life, existing as the crest of an ever-crashing wave twirling in upon itself innumerable times forming the spacetime braid of a "single" thing . - humanity to planet - in the book describe not just humans but other animals animals like dolphins that are highly evolved and display soul in the abstract terms that are developed. Dolphins as a species have greater Souls than those of humans - forms of beauty only a cat can see: they don't have poetry, but their feelings are just as deep - according to general relativity in the frame of reference foreign object makes most sense to be that of the object of cell of that itself for example and apple traveling in a parabola through the air because we choose to Define our frame of reference the ground below us we can use that as some sort of metaphor for all being a part of one Earth and that's what we actually are I'm not sure and see if you are that end somewhere - classical vs quantum. the moon has entered our lives, we went there as human. soon mars will enter our world in a much more meaningful way, and that's a long ways away. and there's the mother sun, the source which lets us keep going for as long as we need it. but the earth is us. we have decohered as more or less this big ol' ship called planet earth. i spread, but it is always with you as well. - (DUPE AT SCALES) the pattern of rhodes with different turns and branches and lights and traffic flows are repeated patterns and those patterns might not be exact they might be statistical patterns in nature but lots of patterns are statistical for incense in a cell the different proteins giggling around in water are much like a snow globe being shaken filled with a wide variety of proteins and other molecules and the system operates probabilistically or statistically in how not in how 1 ATP molecule loaded spring it's not about that HP molecule tripper scene from one organelle to another but rather getting enough of those molecules from one organelle to another just like the flow of cars on roads stretching and creeping and growing at a fractal pattern - why i will never eat meat again: as we learn more and more, ad - The experience of a cat must be a beautiful thing. clearly they are not as intelligent as humans but that is comparing them to another species but that does not need to happen to see the worth and complexity and beauty of other experiences like those of cats they do not see as well as we do but they see better much better at in low light. there all factory factory olfactory sensation is much stronger much more vivid 10 hours then hours. their world is very much defined by their sense of smell, hints their sensitivity to strange animals having been present or reacting negatively when you have a an odor on your hands and you want to pet them or why they may want you want to smell your hands before you pet them in the first place this is a beautiful thing and it doesn't really make sense to ask whether or not it is on par better or worse smarter or dumber more or less smart an hour experience then our experience we have the experience of being human the human condition and cats have the experience of being a cat, the feline condition and it is different and somewhere in some areas less attune and some areas greater sensation but no better or worse than an hour experience of life of reality the cats experience of reality is valid for its own worth - god is the way the sun shines off a black cat's coat - planet to universe - argue the case that there is only one thing and that thing is you and me and the animals and the earth and the sun and the moon and all the stars and indeed everything there is in the universe and we can call that one thing god. then, we can use this knowledge to figure out what to do. how to behave. what's the goal. one such goal is the possibility of forward time travel, and when we get our shit together then we'll join a larger timeline. causal timeline. but also if you and me and the trees and the ocean are expressions of god, then we will want to treat ourselves as well as we can. a myriad of reasons. - insert talk about extending to the sun, moon, system, galaxy, and ultimately the whole universe, mostly the cosmic microwave background, but a little bit before that as well, back when perhaps there were only a trillion things, or a billion, maybe even just a few. That far distant galaxy is not a part of you, but the photons and gravity being emitted from them are hitting us this very moment. It is both far away and a long time ago, but it is fully a part of your experience, whether you are looking through a telescope or not. You personally may not be effected that very moment, the galaxy may not even be facing you, visible in the sky. Maybe at the other end of the earth, but it does hit the earth, and on a long enough timescale, you and me and we and the earth are all the same thing. - trinities - mind-body-soul - The mind is not one mind, thank god, because diversity of thought is our greatest strength. We are not one body, thank god, because redundancy greatly benefits our physical surivival, and we are not one soul, because I’m likely to not have any social interaction with someone on the other side of the planet. But we’re not exactly different souls, I don’t think. Because the tendrils of causality expanding out of me, or the atoms that represent me at this event, may very well effect someone on the other side of the planet. I could join a growing company that eventually impoverishes a village. Compounding social interaction, even miniscule or minor, can ripple through the connections we all have to one another. - Maybe thinking of one mind is just as extreme as thinking of many individual minds, because we are not individual minds, we become entangled as we braid ourselves through the universe together. It just looks very individualistic from our vantage points, and such is our soul, through those tiny tendrils we each thrust into the future. - The atoms of our collective Self are the individuals each one of us while the connections are information and naimation is what brings the collective self to life a structre or system needs to have procedures and when you vote and when the president makes a speech that communication from him those words and those letters and those ideas expressed while it may contain very little information it causes quite a lot ot o say for example a declaration of war relate that sort of information back to entropy and how it rlates to thermal entropy and uantum entropy and theoretical shannon entropy. - The self, like religion, currency, and borders, is a fiction. It is something that makes our lives easier, a tool out of which we construct meaning in our lives. Unlike religion, currency, and borders, the self is an individual fiction, something one cannot help but develop to make sense of, well, the senses arriving at our mind's door, barging in whether we want them to or not. The others are fictions at the scale of continents and civilizations. It seems we don't appear to have much of a choice as to whether we use these tools or not. You could choose not to recognize borders, religion, or currency--but depending on when and where you are, you probably won't last very long. However, the self can be ignored with relatively little harm done to one's life. In fact entire religions seek the surrender of the self as the object of its practice. - Earth can be Heaven. Earth is Hell for many people, but it doesn't have to be. Human civilization can be seen as the millennia-long, ever continuing march towards a world where every human is without want nor need nor fear nor hate. Like Heaven, this state probably cannot exist. - Love is the vehicle, faith shows us the way - per-phy-con - explore the idea of the three kinds of realities individual reality consensus reality and actual reality objective reality and if it can be seen that they are all the same thing where the individual is just a loop of input and output put the output mean the cross thought the experiences real it's a part of ejector reality consensus more or less and then consensus is just hey explore that and then right now there is not a consensus reality - mind is the reality one personally experiences, the blinds through which existence is experienced. i think therefore i am, which means roughly in order to question the existence of myself, there must be something to do the questioning. your body, including your brain and the electrical signals therein, are physical reality, the building blocks that are there regardless of whether an i is around to experience it. the personal emerges from the physical, and the physical is known from sentient concousness. the soul is that which spreads out among humans, permiating through our social networks and communities and eventually the whole world. this is why the sky is blue, because we have a broad consensus that the sound/word 'sky' is *that*, and the color of that is a 'shade of blue'. the closer we come to a single consensus reality, the closer we will be to who We truly are. - isomorphism of mind-body-soul and personal-physical-consensus realities. their duality? - mind-body: that point where the electro-chemical sensory inputs are transformed into a coherent whole, i.e. your conscious experience. delay of 10-100ms - mind-soul: mirror neurons, your thoughts, memories, and feelings about other living beings, or Our world as a whole, and the tmf of you within the brains and minds of others - body-soul: a rock does not have a soul, because no reciprical connection? explore idea. the body is the means by which the soul flows, grows, and explores. fermions and bosons. just mind-body but where the body is the earth, system, universe - per-phy: personal emerges from physical patterns. spacetime braids, but replace with waves and call it spacetime blooms, a perpectual unfolding of what mostly is, as well as what could have been. - per-con: the necessary ingredient for a consensus to form. when a soul emerges. two people needed to form a consensus, strongest when the consensus is mutual love for each person. - phy-con: to varying degrees within the body politic, the ingredients of the consensus, Us, we will under stand better and better what the physical is. that is, what We are. physics as the study of god. per-phy may have beliefs of what We are, but there are much better reasons to believe the consensus of the physical community, because it is much closer to the truth. god. - implications/how to live - make a sermon. make the wave the church. teach multicultural loving-kindness to adults, teach kids about the wave. there is a lot of me sitting here typing, there's also a good amount of me getting up and petting my cat. there's not a lot of me running down the street and screaming like a maniac at this moment, but there's some. there's a little bit of me exploding, but my smoldering remains are impossibly small to see compared to the rest. and it just so happens that it is quite convenient in math to call it "one" teach one, then halves, and so on, and that the better you are to one another, there is a *ton* more good version of you. - okay here's how it works. someone cool succumbs to shitty behavior? it's because of the shift of what is considered okay to say, which itself shifts what it's okay to believe. barr is trying to remove transfolk from the FBI because the culture is more accepting of it. at least the other bubble [1] . he wouldn't dare try removing gayfolk, but in another time you bet he would. because he is an opus dei catholic. and it is against the bible. the right is sustaining an overton window that is far from where society actually is. the last spasms of a dying social system. good or bad, people are leaving churches. i think it's good and bad. - replace/subsume the ideal of rational humanity for a holistic embrace of thought+emotion - the earth, Us, is our garden of eden. heaven and hell already exist on earth, the goal is to replace all hell with heaven